Genesis PassCard
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Last updated
Array Genesis PassCard is the passport to the Array, linking real word assets to on-chain metaverse ecosystem, and comes with many valuable benefits and unique features.
For whitelist users only
To obtain:
Enter community airdrops to get free NFT
Enter collab giveaways to get free NFT
Sign up with Array and complete tasks to get free NFT
Rights and benefits:
Get 1 entry to the ‘LUCKY SPIN’ on DEGA for every Gold PassCard with a 100% win rate.
Receive the extra reward of 0.1 $ARA + 0.025 $USDR + 0.1 $USDT equivalent lucky spin winning probability (to be claimed at Array's official site).
Unlimited issues, non-transferable, limit 1 NFT per address.
First come, first serve
To obtain:
Binance NFT MarketPlace
Rights and benefits:
40 $ARA + 10 $USDR + 10 $USDT equivalent SUPER SPIN winning probability = 60 USDT actual value.
Implied value: ARA token price rise and initial issue price of ARA at 1U, doubled coin price = actual value of 100U.
Biggest prize in SPIN is BLACK GENESIS CARD NFT, worth over 1350 USDT.
Sales and purchasing behavior in bulk, e.g. 1 NFT 120U/pc, 5 NFTs 100U/pc, 10 NFTs 80U/pc, 30 NFTs 60U/pc.
Price limit: minimum market price limit for retail customers is 50-60 USDT to prevent vicious competition.
Become an agent threshold: purchase more than 200 DIAMOND NFTs in bulk.
Agent purchase price: 40-50U/each.
Distribution: 100,000 units expected, non-transferable, no limit on holdings per address.
Acquisition methods: Exchange purchase or purchase from agent channel.
The potential value on Binance is 110-120+ USDT/each
First come first served
To obtain:
Buy from Array website, Exchange, Agents (also free to be agent)
Issue price: 1,000 USDT
Released batch by batch: limited release of Black PassCard featuring Miss Vietnam’s sign and lip print; limited release of co-branded Black PassCard; buy Black PassCard and get one Tecno phone
Free for agents who complete sales target
Rights and benefits:
Agents who purchase 200+ DIAMOND NFTs receive a black card for free.1000 $ARA + 250 $USDR + 100 USDT equivalent SUPER SPIN winning probability = 1350 USDT actual value.
Enter the ‘DEGA SPIN’ lucky wheel, and spin once or 10 times to earn rewards. The average value of reward wined for a single spin is 100 USDR.
Receive DEGA dividends.
Issued in bulk during joint activities, e.g. 521 black cards with Miss Vietnam's lipstick and signature on her birthday.
Implied value ARA token price slowly incresae and initial issue price of $ARA at 1 USDT, double token price = actual value 2350 USDT.
Tier 3 - Gold PassCard
Tier 2 - Diamond PassCard
Tier 1 - Black PassCard